I will work on database sql projects,queries,normalization,eerd,uml

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Service Description

Welcome to my comprehensive database services! With two year of experience,I offer:

Database Development: Designing and implementing websites with efficient data handling using SQL, MySQL, Azure, and other technologies.
Query Optimization: Expertise in crafting queries from basic to complex, including join queries, relational algebra, and data modeling to enhance data retrieval efficiency.
Database Design and Optimization: Proficiency in drawing EERD, ERD, and UML diagrams, and implementing normalization techniques for streamlined database structures.
Graphical User Interfaces: Developing intuitive interfaces for database projects, including integration with MS Excel, C# form-based applications, and PHP-connected web solutions.
Additional Expertise: Specializing in NOSQL databases, ensuring versatility in database solutions.
Backup and Recovery Strategies: Implementing robust backup systems and recovery plans to safeguard data integrity, including strategies utilizing triggers for automated backups.
Training and Support: Providing guidance on database management best practices and offering ongoing support to optimize database performance.
Let's collaborate!

I will provide Expert Services(max 4 tables) with Basic SQL Queries, ERD Designing, Normalization

Technology Used

SQL,Mysql, Azure
Flexible with the platform of your choice

Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose me?
I excel in database management systems with two years of hands-on experience. I offer expertise in various IDEs, ensuring quality work across platforms. Additionally, I can provide different GUI options including form-based GUI, web-based GUI, and MS Excel-based GUI.

Can you provide extra fast delivery in 5 to 10 hours?
Yes, but you have to contact me first.

Areeba Naeem
Lahore, PK.
View My Profile


SQL database , SQL queries , normalization , EERD , UML

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