Hisham Sarwar
A creative head, a Patriotic Pakistani, the Guru behind the idea. He owns a software house called Infomist Services. Besides being a full time CEO. he is also a workout enthusiastic and loves spending a lot of time in GYM and parks running and jogging. He has a passion for politics and takes keen interest in Pakistan and US politics. His company is one of the top 10 service providers at Guru.com.
I thought about this marketplace idea couple of years back and just could not concentrate on it full time untill JUNE of 2014 and ever since have spent countless hours to get this website up and running". I have a dream of promoting this website to the next level, integrate bidding system and a social networking website like Facebook and I want to make it clear that it is not an over statement.

Fahad Mobeen
A Technology head, has worked hard with his team to get the code developed and fine tuned. A considerate key player who is an inspiration for his juniors to work hard.
All the time I and my team have spent in making of this product is an investment toward a goal. a goal of having Pakistani freelancers showcase their talent to the world and get hired for it

A high voltage senior web developer who has worked hard day and night (including weekends) to develop this website. Easy to work with, an ice-man cool attitude person.
The extreme challenges a freelancer faces these days when they bid for a project and not winning it for what so ever reasons are very frustrating. Imagine if the world knows that if they want to hire a Pakistani talent, there is a website for it, how cool that would be?