Freelancer Tour - How It Works
Basic Credentials
This is the signup form for a freelancer (one who is seeking work on this website). Fill in your basic information.

Create Your Profile
Once an account is verified, you need to update your profile with all basic information. Here freelancers must put their nearby location so they can get on the front MAP of the webite alongwith other freelancers.

Add Your Service
Freelancers can add their service by clicking on the BIG RED BUTTON on the top "Add service". Choose the category which best fits your expertise, populate your service with all necessarry information. The service added is shown in the marketplace.

Publish Your Service
Once a service is added, the service is published LIVE by clicking on "Publish your service". Once LIVE, employers can see your service and HIRE you for the job.
Search Projects to Bid
Freelancers can search projects according to their service category / skillset and bid on the project.

Pass the Test
Freelancers have to pass a test in order to bid on any project. You need 70% result to pass the test else you be failed and then you can retry the test after 10 days.
Get Notification
Once an employer messages you, the notification will be shown in your profile and you will also get SMS about the activity. All activities b/w a freelancer and an employer is shown in one thread in the DASHBOARD.

Your Work Space
This area shows an awarded project activity. If you are selected for a job, the ON GOING PROJECT shows the awarded project and activities related to it.

Social Network
WorkChest has a built in social network, freelancers can communicate with each other, ASK questions, Share important information, upload pictures,videos of their work and do a lot more.

Get Answers
If you have asked a question related to work, for example you are a programmer and you are confused about a query, ask a question. Other freelancers can answer your question and help you out
Private Messages
Freelancers can send each other private messages, all activities are stored in the messages section and SMS is sent.