I will write medical, research and special education article as a medical expert.

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Service Description

I am Dr Saiqa Khan, a licensed medical professional physiotherapist well experienced in researching and creating medical related health and fitness content from Pakistan. I have 3 years of professional career working with patients of spinal injuries, musculoskeletal, pediatric populations, rehabilitation, disabilities, occupational, amputates etc.

If you are looking for a medical professional to write a well researched blogs, articles or e books on physiotherapy then wait no more.

You have landed on a right gig!

I will do a complete research on latest published articles, e books, websites, blogs, and studies and create a great professional content for your blog sites, websites or books.

My service includes:
Blog post
Content writing
Medicine articles
Health care and fitness
Physical therapy articles

I keep on updating my knowledge on medical researches and science facts to provide best informative and engaging content. I will write unique and engaging content in a professional way. I will also add the reference links and source files.
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Technology Used

Microsoft Word, Pdf, SEO

Saiqa Tabassum


medical writing research writing consultant

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