Make a flipbook or an e-book

in 3 days, with 3 revisions
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Service Description

Employing a professional Flipbook making tool, I'll convert your text file into a flipbook, or a simple e-book -- your call!

Simply send me the typed content of yours in docx format and I'll do the rest.

Designing the book cover is included in the price

If you want me to proofread it as well, that's a separate service according to word-limit. I don't use any software for proof-reading, but my own skill - IELTS score 8.0, which translates to CEFR of C2 (the highest level). So you can be rest assured of the quality proof-reading.

Technology Used


Firashah Syeda
Karachi , PK.
View My Profile


e-book creator, e-book maker, e-book designer, e-book, flipbook maker, flipbook designer, flipbook creator, ebook design, ebook cover, flipbook design,

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