Translation English to Urdu and Urdu to English, Data Entry and Blog/Article Writing

Service Description
I do accurate and perfect English to Urdu and Urdu to English translation professionally according to the text and context to the satisfaction of my client.
I do Data Entry work, well formatted, without any mistakes and as per client's requirement.
I write blog/article and content on the given subject with appropriate and correct use of words according to the subject.
For all types of services, I will give two revisions and hopefully the client will be satisfied with it.
Technology Used
Translation will be done manually according to the text and context, grammatically correct and will be typed using MS Word or and Google Docs. Article and blog will be typed in MS Word and Google Docs. Will be given soft copy in Word or Docs or in PDF format.
For Data Entry MS Excel and Google Sheets are used and produced in Excel, Sheets or PDF format.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Types of services
Translation English to Urdu
Urdu to English
Data Entry
Writing content / article / blog
2. Revision provided
Two revisions are provided
3. Work completion time
Three days will be the turnaround time, but it can be discussed according to the project and before its finalization