Midjourney Animator

Posted : 6 months ago    Posted By: Abdullah
Category: Animator
Member Since: 03/08/2024

Job Description

Please watch the video for a full creative brief.

3 audio files attached.
(I will share the audio files in private)

I am looking for an AI animation that best tells the little stories in these 3 audio files.

The ad campaign is for an air conditioning company in the US.

Inspiration should be taken from Wes Anderson's movies and the movie Up.

The goal is to capture only the face of Ethel, who is answering an old-fashioned rotary dial telephone.

This is an ongoing engagement that will generate a large volume of ads as part of a multi-year ad campaign.

The brand should show up subtly in the video the whole time. Subtly is the key. fixitfrankie.com is the company.

The ending, like any proper ad can have the full brand elements available for the call to action.

Job Skills


Who Applied Average Bid: $25

Work History