Need Full Stack Developer to build Custom eCommerce Markplace with Delivery Application

Posted : 3 months ago    Posted By: Mahmood ul hassan
Category: Web Developer
Member Since: 25/07/2024

Job Description

Hello there,

We are looking for experienced full stack developers who work on JS, Node.JS, React, backend technolgies & front end web design to build a custom web application for an eCommerce marketplace website, plus a delivery application for drivers... (like indrive where drivers would be able to see & track location, time left, pickup confirmation, soud etc)...

We are open to discuss, but we need people with at least 3 years of experience. Share your skillset & portfolio.

Looking forward to hear from you,


Job Skills

JavaScript, Node.JS, React, HTML, CSS3 , jQuery, mySQL database

Who Applied Average Bid: $482.07