Social Media Executive Full Time (Remote)

Posted : 5 months ago    Posted By: Asif Khan
Category: Social Media Manager
Member Since: 02/05/2024

Job Description

We are seeking a full-time team member to oversee our social media presence across platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter (X).

Job Skills

The skills required for a social media executive include:

1. Proficiency in using social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
2. Content creation and curation abilities.
3. Knowledge of social media analytics and tools for tracking performance.
4. Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal.
5. Creativity and the ability to come up with engaging social media campaigns.
6. Time management and multitasking capabilities.
7. Understanding of digital marketing strategies and trends.
8. Customer service skills for engaging with followers and addressing inquiries or concerns.
9. Graphic design and video editing skills may be beneficial depending on the role.


1. Have you had any experience managing social media pages? Could you share a few samples if you have?
2. Are you open to joining our team on a full-time basis?
3. Would you be willing to take an assessment test lasting 1 to 2 hours to evaluate your skills?

Who Applied Average Bid: Rs.47400.26