Workchest – Freelance Marketplace for talented Pakistanis looking for freelance work

  • 2
  • December 11, 2014

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They say “Birds of same feather flock together”. Pakistani freelancers are working full time on world’s different freelance marketplaces but the need of having our own ROOF where all of the freelance talent can be gathered, highlighted was always in demand. Alongside other professionals, social and political figures, Pakistani freelancers have also brought good name to Pakistan because of their outstanding services, quality and commitment to their work.

Lot of people ask ME why did I go for this idea when there are so may other Freelance marketplaces?. I have been thinking of ways to answer this question so thought should write an article answering the question. was formed with the idea of providing Pakistani Freelancers, the opportunity to present their skills and talent and have employers all over the world hire them. A video from a famous Pakistani “Rehan Allahwala” convinced me to go for this idea, to do something within Pakistan for Pakistanis. It took my organization two good years to roll out the idea but looking back at those two years, I can safely say it was worth a Journey. Watch Rehan’s video on and feel free to share it with others so they benefit too.



I am a Freelancer who has done well over the years. If you go to, I am featured in the testimonial section of their homepage. My company is ranked as one of the top 10 service providers and we are the only Pakistani company who has earned over $1.0 M in recorded sales on the portal. I often receive emails from the clients complaining about poor service of a freelancer from a different country. Generally I have learned from the employers that, in order to WIN a project, freelancers place very low bid and do not understand the complete scope of the project therefore end up screwing it – wasting time and money.

People praise about Pakistani service providers because of the level of commitment, efforts to understand the client’s requirement and crafting a solution for that. After all, there must be a reason why more then half of service providers on ODESK are Pakistani. The reason why Pakistani freelancers are so successful, relates to their understanding of the   purpose of bidding.  The fundamental approach is, not just to win a project but to win a trust of an employer which eventually results in the retention of their business. They understand how their work is going to impact the client’s business and the challenges faced in the process.

WHY Workchest?:

The heavy costs freelancers have to pay on other freelance marketplaces is not easy for everyone to afford. The idea of forming our own “Pakistani” brand was to make it easy, affordable for every talented FREELANCER, who finds it hard to afford the big marketplaces and is deprived of a well deserved opportunity. On Workchest, those talented individuals can signup and find “Freelance Work”

There is lot of development being done and rolled out on Workchest. The first module is already rolled out at the time of writing this article. It is the system where FREELANCERS signup FREE and post their services (no cost involved). Once their service is purchased, Workchest deducts a nominal percentage from the transaction. The second module is, the introduction of BIDDING SYSTEM. Employers will be able to post a project and freelancers can place their BID on this. Freelancers will get unlimited bids to place on projects (giving them more chance to run in the competition) and there would be no monthly fees (or BID price to purchase additional bids). The only catch portal is going to have is the “SKILL TEST” which one needs to PASS with 50% marks before they can be TAGGED as “Qualified Freelancer” in-order to bid on the projects within the category.

The third module helps freelancers connect with each other within the category. We call it a SOCIO-BIDDING system where everyone would be able to see the profile of others (nearby service providers within that subscribed category) and can connect. This system is going to be a short version of Facebook, freelancers can send friend request, follow others, send messages and they can share their thoughts, problems or issues in an open feed (just like a FAN-PAGE of Facebook) restricted to that Category only. For example if a freelancer is signed up under Category “Web Development” and has an issue with some code or programming, they can post that on the Social network system and other freelancers can share their input about the problem, the system is supported with website links, images.

So now you know why Workchest is formed, how it can benefit talented Pakistani freelancers. Keep following the blog and signup as service provider today.

Thank you.


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