Outsourcing is cool, Freelance jobs in full swing mood, better 2015.

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  • December 23, 2014


My heart goes out with the families who lost their children in barbaric attack of school in Peshawar. Please take a moment and say a prayer for departed souls of Peshawar attack.

This is my first blog after the incident, I just did not have much energy and always felt short of breath, I was heart broken like all Pakistanis to say the least.

As I recollect my breath and look at the website statistics, I am surprised by the overwhelming response. Good Alexa ranking, the number of inbound links and other blogs writing about Workchest clearly say, it has a bright future.

Outsource is not a bad word as it was once thought to be. There was so much skepticism about outsourcing from USA just a decade ago (B/W, USA Businesses now supply more then 40% of outsource work to the world). President Barack Obama’s first term campaign was based around the slogan “yes we can” and his approach to convince American business to keep the jobs in the country, was a pivotal stance in his run for office.

Time has changed, now this word “Outsourcing” is the most commonly used word and a practice for every business all over the world. There are so many advantages of hiring someone to do your job. Organization do not have to worry about retaining an in-house resource, the very worry of every business to UPSIZE the in-house staff if work load increases and DOWNSIZE if the resource is not needed, outsourcing overcomes all of that. There are no staff salaries to worry about, no tax to pay on behalf of your employees, no insurance plans to cover your staff and the best part about outsourcing is, you only pay once the work is done and you are satisfied.

Pakistan has been a key player in global outsource market. I wrote about how our talented freelancers fetch in good foreign remittance in the country and more then 40% of freelancers on ODESK are from Pakistan in one of my previous articles.

This year (2014), saw a lot of business outsourced in the Freelance Marketplaces. Pakistan grabbed its fair bit of share of freelance work, the freelance market has began to take new shape. The introduction of Workchest, 5,000 freelancers registering within 6 weeks is a crystal clear example of how well Pakistani freelancers are doing.

2014 is about to end, with new year is just around the corner, the freelancing is all set to grow in number in 2015. More college students will graduate, more jobs will be outsourced in different marketplaces, therefore giving an equal opportunity to all with a fair shake.

Our new year resolution is, to gather all Pakistani talent under Workchest shelf and have employers post projects, hire talented freelancers and grow our marketplace to compete with global marketplaces.

Are you ready?

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