The rise of the digital nomad and freelance economy has begun and it is being led by self-employed or small businesses. Entrepreneurs create more job opportunities than any other sector of the economy and they are at the forefront of an evolving 21st century economy that is shaping world’s new employment landscape. It is a place where brick-and-mortar store fronts are constantly being replaced by online retailers where contractors and freelancers are the new version of a typical office worker. Read More
Category Archives: Freelancing

The term freelance commonly refers to a self-employed or a creative individual who rather than working 9 to 5 or going for a day job to work with the same company over a period of years, works typically from home, comfort of their couch for a number of different clients all over the world. Read More
You want to start freelancing but do not know how?
A Decade back, Freelancing and Outsourcing were not even considered as an option by several businesses all over the world. It was considered as an option for small businesses. Read More
It was a very hot day of June 2014. I was with my Art Director – Muddassir Hassan and CTO – Fahad Mobeen at the lunch. We have been talking about a potential of having a Pakistani marketplace where freelancers of Pakistan are able to showcase their talent and find online jobs. That day, 27th June, officially placed the foundation of the idea “Workchest” and we decided to move forward with the idea.
My heart goes out with the families who lost their children in barbaric attack of school in Peshawar. Please take a moment and say a prayer for departed souls of Peshawar attack. Read More
They say “Birds of same feather flock together”. Pakistani freelancers are working full time on world’s different freelance marketplaces but the need of having our own ROOF where all of the freelance talent can be gathered, highlighted was always in demand. Read More
Freelancers generally believe all the work related to them actually belongs to them and winning those projects is as easy as a walk in the park. Read More
Pakistani Freelancers have been doing some pretty good work and making a good name for themselves as well as for Pakistan in the international freelance marketplaces. While searching for the keyword “freelance work” in Google Pakistan, I came across few gems who have done magnificently well and that excited me to search more about the service providers from this land. Read More
Freelancing has become increasingly popular over the last decade, people from all over the world have taken this concept and are offering services in various categories on different freelance sites. Read More