Group of technologies that can standardize the communication of applications in order to connect systems, customers and business partners efficiently through World Wide Web are referred to as web services. The top software vendors such as IBM, Microsoft, SAP, SUN and Oracle are all embracing web services principles. Advanced web service enabled tools and products are being continuously introduced by these retailers. The traditional ways in which businesses design their applications as services, integrate with other business entities, manage business process workflows, and conduct e-business transactions have been evolved by with the advancements in web services. Read More
Category Archives: ecommerce

Achieving business targets had never been this difficult. It has become really hard to manage the complexities of competition that has risen with the introduction of e-commerce. Running in the race requires adaptation of the changes that are taking place in e-commerce. Only those who assimilate and learn from evolving technology are able to survive the competition. It also depends on the organization’s ability to be flexible and respond actively the changing environment. This is what keeping the entrepreneurs on their toes all the time. Read More
Electronic commerce has completed the transition from visualization to an absolute economic reality. It has transformed the traditional process of business by adding new dimensions for increasing revenue and profit. Paper-based legislation is not considered to be providing the solutions to problems that arise in an electronic environment. The advancement in this sector has encouraged a corresponding rise in proposals for its regulation. E-commerce has brought fundamental changes in the business sector by providing net-enabled market for all manufacturing sectors. Read More